During Gamescom recently, Microsoft announced that Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will come to PlayStation 5 in 2025 following its debut on Xbox Series X|S and PC this December. Creative director Axel Torvenius from MachineGames said in an interview that the studio is “super thrilled and excited” by the opportunity to bring the game to PS5 and reach a wider audience.”The more people that can play the game–who can see all the passion and love we have put into this project and all the hard work–the merrier,” the developer told Eurogamer.Design director Jens Andersson, meanwhile, said bringing The Great Circle to PS5 is “something we wanted to do.” The developer added that the game’s engine, id Tech, was made as a multiplatform engine, which will help the team bring the game to PS5. And…
Read moreAvowed developer Obsidian Entertainment has revealed that the upcoming first-person RPG will be targeting a “baseline” of 30 frames per second on Xbox Series X and S consoles. According to the studio, this decision was made early on in the development of the game and has allowed the studio to get “a lot juicier” with visual effects.”We are targeting 30fps, bare minimum,” art director Matt Hansen said on the Iron Lords podcast (via IGN). “That’s the expectation. “It’s a first-person, single-player game, you don’t necessarily need that 60 frames. And that allows us to get a lot juicier with VFX and lighting and all this other stuff. It’s a trade-off we opted to make relatively early, and we’re really happy with that. The game’s running pretty smooth for how visually dense it is, and that was…
Read moreThe Star Wars TV show The Acolyte was recently canceled after a single season, and one person who was surprised by the announcement was actor Lee Jung-jae, who plays Master Sol on the show. This story contains spoilers for The Acolyte. Master Sol dies in Season 1, so Lee was not going to come back if Disney moved ahead with a second season. However, the actor said he’s a big fan of series creator Leslye Headland’s writing and directing skills, and was hopeful for a second season.”To hear the news, I was quite surprised personally as well,” Lee told Entertainment Weekly. However, in Hollywood anything is possible, and the actor isn’t giving up hope just yet. “Honestly, I am hoping that maybe there could be changes in the future. You never know what’s going to happ…
Read morePreorder Star Wars Outlaws Limited Edition (Amazon exclusive) $70 Preorder at Amazon …
Read moreDeadpool and Wolverine didn’t have any shortage of Deadpool variants for the title characters to fight. Most of the variants were directly based on their comic book counterparts, including Blake Lively’s Lady Deadpool. However, there were other variants that didn’t make it into the film, including a fusion of Deadpool and Wolverine.Via Variety, Marvel concept artist David Masson shared his rendition of Wolverpool. Although the character may not have had a definitive name, as Masson suggests Wolverinepool and Deadverine as well. Our pick would have been Poolverine, since the costume has more elements from Deadpool’s costume than Wolverine’s outfit. The existence of this combined character also raises the question of which one is under the mask: A variant of Deadpool or a variant of Wolverin…
Read moreEA Sports has officially announced NHL 25, and for the first time in the series, the game has not one but three cover stars. And these aren’t three all-stars from different teams–they’re the Hughes brothers.Jack and Luke of the New Jersey Devils, along with Quinn of the Vancouver Canucks, will grace the cover of the NHL 25 Deluxe Edition. Jack stands alone on the cover for the standard edition, while Quinn gets the standard edition cover for Canada and the rest of the world. Luke, sadly for him, doesn’t get his own standalone cover.”We feel incredibly honored to be on the cover of NHL 25,” Quinn said. “Being featured alongside my brothers is the sort of thing you dream about as a kid but could never imagine happening in real life.”
If you’re in the market for a mechanical gaming keyboard, one of the best wireless options for around $100 is the 8BitDo Retro Mechanical Keyboard. But you can actually get the retro-themed keyboards for even less right now. Woot has both the NES- and Famicom-inspired models on sale for only $60. Both versions come with detachable, oversized buttons called Dual Super Buttons. This is the same unique add-on bundled with the 8BitDo Lite SE, a new accessibility controller for Xbox. Get NES-themed keyboard Get Famicom-themed keyboard It’s also worth noting that Amazon has the recently released Commodore 64-themed 8BitDo keyboard on sale for $93.49 (was $110). This model has the Dual Super Buttons and a detachable arcade stick, which is certainly unique in the gaming keyb…
Read moreWestern Digital’s popular SN850P NVMe SSD will soon be available in an 8TB model. Officially licensed by PlayStation, the SN850P has a preinstalled heatsink, so it’s ready to be plugged into the PS5’s M.2 slot out of the box. But there is one large snag here: The WD Black 8TB SN850P retails for a staggering $1,000. Though that price is aligned with 8TB models from other manufacturers, this means the small SSD you install in your PS5 costs twice as much as the console itself. But if you really want to maximize your storage space on PS5 (or PC), you can preorder the 8TB SN850P at Western Digital and PlayStation Direct. It’ll be available to purchase at major retailers later this month. As a small bonus, it comes with one month of PlayStation Plus Premium ($18 value).The WD Black SN8…
Read moreIt would be an understatement to say the collectibles space is crowded. There’s a seemingly endless number of companies offering various toys, statues, and other pieces of nostalgia-inducing ephemera for almost any age. This is something wrestling fans know especially well, given the explosion of independent toy companies releasing items directed at that fandom.Regardless of what kind of wrestling fan or collector you might be, chances are there is something out there that will appear to you. There’s a surprising number of independent toymakers looking to recapture the spirit of the WWF Hasbro figures of the early ’90s, companies like Super7 and relative newcomer PowerTown that are releasing incredibly detailed figures full of articulation, or even the official WWE and AEW action figures r…
Read moreFunko Pop is expanding its lineup with a new series of collectibles known as Bitty Towns and Bitty Rides. Launching later this year, these bundle together a Bitty Pop (figurines that stand about an inch tall) with a unique piece of scenery like houses or vehicles. Figures based on several popular franchises like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Star Wars are among the upcoming releases, making it easy to find something that catches your eye. Best of all, they’re shockingly cheap. Most can be had for $10, while others are just $6. Release dates are spread throughout the rest of 2024, with the first wave launching in October. See all Funko Pop preorders